Designer handbags are a dream of many women. But they are more affordable only as special offers or second-hand goods. So that your dream of your own designer handbag does not end in a nightmare with a fake, we have tips and tricks for you here. The list of designers who offer sought- after handbags is long, but this list is certainly nothing compared to the list of women (and occasionally it is too) Men) who want such a bag. Designer handbags are and always rightly remain a dream, because they are so expensive with prices that start at around 1000 euros that many can not or do not want to afford them.
The darlings often come within reach through special offers or the opportunity to shop them secondhand. If you want to make a bargain, you have to be careful about designer handbags and note a few things:We have summarized what you absolutely need to know before hunting for your handbag dream.
“The trend is your friend”: Not with designer handbags
Designer handbags are often coveted it-pieces: for a while you see them on the arm of fashionistas on Instagram and Co. every day and every time thinks more: “Oh my god – I have to have them!” Before you start off literally or online, there is one thing you should be aware of: the must-have bag is a wonderful trend or YOUR favorite item that you can proudly carry around for years – in the case of designer handbags, all your life and will you love? When it comes to it bags, trends are simply not your friends. So before you invest your money, you should ask yourself:
Is the bag a classic?
Classics are not classics for nothing: A handbag like the Chanel 2.55 was an it-piece 50 years ago and will still be in 50 years. In addition, bags of this caliber are not only a good investment because they will be worn for a long time, but because their value (if they are treated well) even increases.
Size, color, type of wear: does the bag work every day?
If you treat yourself to your favorite designer handbag, you must also wear it! A bag like the “Saddlebag” by Dior may be the hottest thing that fashion bloggers and influencers hold up, but firstly the bag is very special, secondly it doesn’t really fit in and thirdly you have to carry it in your hand or under it Pinch your armpits … If you throw a little into your handbag anyway, like to carry it in your hand and also like to combine it diagonally: Go for it! But generally you should always ask yourself these questions when buying an expensive handbag:
1. Does it match the color and style of many parts of my wardrobe and especially my favorite outfits?
What other handbag size do I always wear? Does everything that has to fit in really fit in?
2. On what occasions will the bag accompany me?
Can I carry the bag comfortably or in my preferred way?
3. Is it really worth buying?
The cost-per-wear model can help with this question: divide the price of the item of clothing or the bag by the estimated number of times it is worn and see whether the cost per wear really pays off. For example, a tiny handbag in bright green that is difficult to combine and not suitable for everyday use could even look critical if it does not cost a thousand euros …
Designer handbag fakes: how to spot fakes!
Designer handbags are also available at special prices or as cheaper second-hand offers. However, the number of counterfeits increases exponentially, the more popular a bag model is – so the risk of falling for scammers is unfortunately greatest, especially with the most beautiful designer handbags. So that you don’t experience disappointment when buying your favorite designer handbag, you should definitely follow these tips:
1. Buy only from known and certified suppliers! Some designers like Chanel even sell their handbags only through their own stores and online stores. Many brands such as Gucci make exceptions for luxury fashion greats like My Theresa, Net-a-Porter, Stylebop, Fashionette or The Outnet – here you can shop without fear and make real bargains.
You can also choose from many certified shops such as Rebelle or Vestiaire Collective for second-hand shopping , which have the authenticity of the bags sold checked and guaranteed by experts take no risk.
2. If it should be the bag from the small second-hand shop in the middle of Paris or the great offer of the not really familiar online provider:
Look for authenticity certificates and features
Many designers are more than aware of the mass of counterfeits and have their own methods of marking their bags as genuine. For example, Chanel only sells bags with a special authenticity card and each bag is provided with a code that is stored in a database and can therefore be checked for authenticity. So make sure before buying whether the designer of your favorite bag or the bag itself also has a special option or details about the authenticity check! Otherwise, valuable information is also provided by date stamps, serial numbers or (in the case of second-hand bags) proof of purchase.
Know your favorite bag!
You should study the part of your desire before you even think about buying. The better you know your bag and its models, materials, colors and details , the more likely you are to recognize a fake.
Hardware check
Take a close look at everything metallic, such as the logo, the zippers and the tags on it, as well as bag handles made of chains etc. For example, the lodge must have certain dimensions. Is the zipper difficult to move and hooked? Do the metal parts feel light, tarnished or have scratches? In one of these cases: Better keep your hands off …
Small loose threads!
Check the seams of the bag carefully: a handbag, which normally costs over a thousand euros, has no crooked seams or loose threads – period! In addition, high-quality bags are usually made from one piece: A large number of seams can also indicate a fake.
Logo and inner life
The logo that is embossed or printed is usually not cut on designer bags or disappears in a seam. That and a lower quality inner life can also be indications of a forgery.
Try your darling!
Sounds strange and may also look strange when you watch, but you can rely on your nose for fakes : A designer handbag, even if it is not made of genuine leather, will not smell of glue and cheap plastic.