And it doesn’t include an outrageously expensive moisturizer. Promised. Nowadays our skin is exposed to an incredible amount of stress. Free radicals in the air, chemical additives in clothing and food and aggressive UV rays make life difficult for our skin. One could argue that these problems have always existed, that they used to be even worse, but firstly this is not true in many cases and secondly the awareness of them was not as great as it is today. And since we are now fully informed, we are also able to protect ourselves against these harmful influences. So that we can hopefully enjoy the benefits of fresh and firm skin for a long time to come. For those who aren’t convinced yet, look at Jennifer Aniston – the woman is almost 50.
The first minute: Face Yoga : Yes, facial yoga sounds bizarre at first, but let yourself into it for a moment. Because actually it is nothing more than training for the facial muscles. And if regular exercise keeps our legs taut, why shouldn’t that also apply to the face? With classic forehead wrinkles, facial expressions do not help, but they do in the fight against gravity. For example, wrinkles on the neck and hanging cheeks can be prevented – or at least delayed. A simple exercise is when you press a loosely clenched fist against your chin from below and then try to open your mouth against the tension.
The 2nd minute: a massage for the eyes
It is also part of facial yoga, but it focuses on massaging the muscles and not on training. By massaging the muscles are better supplied with blood. This also leads to a reduction in wrinkles. So that you too can benefit from it, you have to make a V-symbol with your index and middle fingers and position your middle fingers between your eyebrows and your index fingers on the outer edge of your eyebrows. Then you look up and squint your eyes a little so that the lower lid is pulled up. If the muscles are shaking a little, you know you did it right. Then relax your muscles and close your eyes. Repeat this exercise about six times. It is also part of facial yoga, but it focuses on massaging the muscles and not on training. By massaging the muscles are better supplied with blood. This also leads to a reduction in wrinkles.
So that you too can benefit from it, you have to make a V-symbol with your index and middle fingers and position your middle fingers between your eyebrows and your index fingers on the outer edge of your eyebrows . Then you look up and squint your eyes a little so that the lower lid is pulled up. If the muscles are shaking a little, you know you did it right. Then relax your muscles and close your eyes. Facial yoga exercises in combination with good care can work wonders for our skin. Cosmetic brands such as Vichy, who have developed an entire facial yoga program with the inventor of fascia yoga, are now also using this knowledge.
You can find the facial yoga video here.
The 3rd minute: Preparation is everything
Before you smear any product on your face, make sure you don’t redistribute all of the bacteria from the day. Dirt can get to the sensitive skin of the face from the air, through the smartphone or through your hands and clog the pores there. A juicy facial cleansing is a must and if you plan to do this routine in the evening, make-up removal is of course also part of it.
Finding the right cleaning product is not that easy. Every skin is different and accordingly reacts differently to cleansing products. In general, however, you shouldn’t remove too much fat from the skin, otherwise you risk skin susceptible to redness, tension and even pimples. So if after cleaning you have the feeling that your skin feels particularly “clean” because it may even be a bit tense, you can assume that the product is too aggressive for your skin type and you should switch to a gentler one.
The 4th minute: a serum
A real miracle cure, which many women are not even aware of, is a good serum. These mostly consist of pure, cold-pressed oils. The various oils contain valuable vitamins and antioxidants that repair existing damage in the skin and arm it for further challenges. Immediately after cleansing the face, the skin is particularly sensitive to care and soaks it up like a sponge. Incidentally, this also applies to oily skin. It sounds counterproductive, but many oils even help regulate the skin’s sebum production and can thus also fight impurities. This applies to cold-pressed jojoba oil, for example.
The 5th minute: Finally, a portion of moisture
Of course, you can’t do without a moisturizer. However, it does not have to be expensive, because that does not necessarily mean that the cream is good and if it says “natural cosmetics” it does not necessarily contain anything natural. If you’ve found a moisturizer that works for your skin, congratulations, you’re a huge step ahead of most of us. For everyone else, don’t lose hope and pay attention to how long the list of ingredients is when buying.Of course, you can’t do without a moisturizer. However, it does not have to be expensive, because that does not necessarily mean that the cream is good and if it says “natural cosmetics” it does not necessarily contain anything natural. Anyone who has found a moisturizer that works for their skin works: Congratulations, you are a huge step ahead of the majority of us. For everyone else, don’t lose hope and pay attention to how long the list of ingredients is when buying.
In cosmetics, it is difficult to prove the effectiveness of individual substances, but if 40 are listed that all interact with one another, it becomes almost impossible. It also increases the likelihood that sensitive skin will become irritated. If you want to avoid that, you can use simple and natural care products such as this aloe vera gel.