How To Remove Dark Circles Naturally : Dark circles, also known as dark rings or dark shadows are the dark spots formed as a result of skin discoloration under the eye. Some of the major causes of dark circles are aging, heredity, dry skin, prolonged crying, eye straining, unhealthy diet, sleeplessness and physical or mental stress. This skin problem can affect both men and women of all age groups.
Though they aren’t very serious skin disease, they possibly will make you look tired, older, exhausted, unhealthy and perhaps unattractive. Luckily, there are some natural home remedies that can easily remove unpleasant dark circles under your eyes. Below are the 6 most effective natural home remedies to do away with dark circles fast and naturally.

How To Remove Dark Circles Naturally
1. Lemon Juice : Apart from its bleaching property, lemon juice contains vitamin C which plays a major role in getting rid of dark circles due to its skin-lightening effects. When applying lemon juice to eliminate dark circles, rub some fresh lemon juice all over your eye region using a cotton ball then allow it to dry for approximately 10 minutes then wash it away. Repeat it once every day for some weeks. As an alternative, you can mix 1 tablespoonful lemon juice with 2 tablespoons tomato puree along with turmeric powder and besan to make a paste. Use this paste to apply on the affected area then allow it to dry for about 15 minutes before washing it away using cold water.
Practice it 2 to 3 times on a weekly basis. To stop skin irritation caused by lemon juice, moisturize your skin using a natural moisturizing home remedy like olive oil and coconut oil.
2. Cucumber
Cucumbers are well-known for their mild astringent and skin-lightening effect as well as relaxing and refreshing properties. Thus they can be used to get rid of those dark rings on the eye region naturally. Slice a fresh cucumber and cool them using a refrigerator for about half an hour. Use the slices to rub the dark circles for approximately 10 minutes then rinse of using lukewarm water. Repeat it two times every for 7-10 days. Beside, you can squeeze cucumber to obtain cucumber juice then mix with equal amount of lemon juice. Use the mixture to massage the affected area then rinse it off after 10 minutes using warm water. Apply this remedy on a daily basis for one week or more.
3. Almond Oil
Almond is an important natural remedy that is very effective for removing dark discoloration around your eyes. Using its oil daily will make the skin under your eye look healthy and attractive. As an alternative, you can apply vitamin E oil under the eye to eliminate dark circles. Massage some almond oil gently on the affected area before you sleep and leave it overnight. Rinse it off the next morning using cold water. Use this ingredient every day till you the dark circles fades away completely.
4. Tomato
This is another natural bleaching agent that can help lighten your skin considerably. To apply it, squeeze one full fresh tomato to obtain tomato juice then use one tablespoon tomato juice to mix with equal amount of lemon juice. Use this mixture to massage the dark circles then allow it to dry for about 10 minutes. Wash it off using cool water. Apply this remedy two times every day for some weeks to obtain better results. Besides, you can blend a glass of tomato juice with lemon juice, salt and mint leaves then drink it. Ensure you drink this juice right away after making it to get maximum results. Drink a glass of this juice once or two times every day for about one week.
5. Raw Potato
Since they’re natural bleaching agents, potato can help remove dark circles and do away inflammation around the eye region. To apply this home remedy, squeeze one raw potato to obtain potato juice. Using a cotton ball, suck the juice and apply it onto your closed eyes. Ensure the juice reaches all skin parts around your eyes and wait it to dry for about 15 minutes. Wash the applied area using cold water. Practice it two times every day for some weeks to obtain better results. Alternatively, you can slice potatoes into thick slices to eliminate dark circles.
6. Coconut Oi
Coconut oil is also another effective moisturizing and skin-lightening natural remedy. Because of its moisturizing property, coconut oil also prevents skin wrinkles and inflammation besides smoothening the skin. To apply it, just dip your fingers on some natural coconut oil then message the affected area. Allow it to penetrate for about 2 hours then rinse it off. Practice it two times every day for some months or until you notice the desired results.
Final Verdict
Following these tips will ensure the skin on your eye region is completely free from dark circles. Besides these natural home remedies, practicing healthy lifestyles like drinking a lot of water, reducing sun exposure, avoid smoking and limiting consumption of alcohol and caffeine products plays a significant role both in removing and preventing dark circles from appearing on your skin in addition to promoting a healthy and attractive skin naturally.