Whether she is walking down the street or on a red carpet, Priyanka Chopra is that one actor who has taken Bollywood to another standard. From monochromatic looks to sexy glittery bodycon dresses she has aced it all. She is adored for her acting skills both in India and the U.S, she has been the ambassador of UNICEF for years now and in all those years we have seen her grow exponentially in her career as well as fashion choices. Priyanka Chopra gives us some major style inspiration.
With the summer around the corner, we are definitely looking for ideas to upgrade our wardrobe and be summer-ready. Her style is a blend of quirky fashion and party haute couture, but it doesn’t really matter what she puts on she looks glamorous and there is always elegance in the way she carries her outfit. The super talented actress never fails to impress her fans and is always ready to experiment with different styles and fashion. So if you are someone who is looking for inspiration to upgrade your closet for the summer then here you go, we have compiled a list of 5 best summer outfit ideas of Priyanka Chopra.
Priyanka Chopra looked like a mermaid in the sexy one piece bikini that she wore in Miami last summer. She posted this picture on Instagram holding a glass of cocktail and wearing sunglasses. Chopra looked extremely appealing and her outfit flattered her curves beautifully.
2. Khaki shorts
Later she was spotted walking down the streets wearing a khaki-colored summer short that she paired it up with a t-shirt and blazer. The Quantico actress looked absolutely beautiful with some wavy hair and a tote bag. She totally slayed the look and is definitely something that one should add in their summer wardrobe.
3. Floral dress
A floral dress is definitely a summer wardrobe staple and there’s nothing more comfortable and stylish than a floral dress. The actress was spotted wearing a cutout floral dress by Markarian that had a diamond-cut detailing on the neckline, she wore the dress with crystal embellished jimmy choo heels and finished the look with a top knot bun. Priyanka looked summer ready with this look that she picked for an interview.
4. A mermaid dress
After acing the white bikini and then a crop top set, Priyanka was spotted with her husband Nick Jonas hand in hand in Miami wearing a beautiful aqua blue colored mermaid dress. Chopra looked very casual and kept her makeup minimal with beachy waves.
5. Slip on dress
Just like every girl like to keep her outfit easy breezy and minimal we can see Chopra is one of us, she opted for a silk slip dress that she paired with silver colored hoops and sunnies. She kept her look as casual as possible and with minimal makeup and a pink lip she finished off her look.
6. Printed dress
Priyanka chose a printed orange colored dress that has an asymmetrical cut pattern, she added basic gold jewelry and a bracelet. One of the biggest trends this season is the tiny bucket bags that Priyanka opted to pair with her dress. This is definitely something that should be in your summer wardrobe. You can grab a printed dress and a bucket bag to remake this look. Chopra kept her hair natural and straight. You can pick this for a lunch date with your bae or also for outings with your girlfriends. This will be just the perfect summer dress.