These Are My 4 Personal Power Looks For Everyday Work

My personal favorite looks for real female power : What do I love about fashion? It has huge power! You can influence the first impression with fashion, you can feel more confident and you can steer the external appearance in any direction. This is exactly what this blog article is about today: I reveal my very personal power looks, with which I can master every important appointment or business meeting more easily. At least that is my feeling when I wear certain items of clothing. Maybe you feel the same way. Do you also have power looks? So looks that push yours and ensure that you feel particularly comfortable in your skin?

The pants suit

Clearly, a suit looks from the outside and at first glance it looks more serious and confident. I’m wearing an androgynous set of blazer and pants. Subconsciously, this creates more respect for the other person. If you combine the suit with high shoes such as pumps or boots, the masculine power suit immediately gains more elegance and femininity . I personally love suit looks because I always feel totally attracted to them. And it doesn’t need that much styling. Combined with a blouse or t-shirt, you can dress up or down. The best choice for important appointments or if you want to leave a fashionable impression.

The blazer

But you don’t always have to go to the brim with a full suit to feel powerful, strong and confident. The magic word can also be: Blazer . With it, everything looks equally chic. My personal power look is a blazer with a midi skirt. So I stay true to my feminine style and still exude a certain seriousness. With the blazer, I personally make sure that it looks high-quality and is made of solid material, for example. If the shoulders are emphasized – by shoulder pads or an oversize cut – the effect is immediately visible. You not only exude a certain self-confidence, but also take up more “space”. Above all, a good trick for small women.

The oversize blouse

When it comes to power looks, for me it’s about feeling super comfortable in my skin and at the same time having a certain presence. You want to be seen at an appointment or whatever else is important and hopefully you will be well remembered. For example, this also works with a nice blouse. I love voluminous (shirt) blouses with nice details for this effect. If you have an appointment in the office, for example, you will see the top half of the outfit sitting opposite. So if the top stands out for its volume, color, pattern or other details, you immediately look stylish and feel good. The difference to a simple T-shirt is huge. Give it a try

Color, color, color

In order to make an insecure day a power day, I try to do the opposite of how I feel right now. Believe me: it helps 🙂 So if you would prefer to hide in a large sweater, I rely on colors and shapes. Because colors also have an effect on ourselves and others in fashion. My insider tips therefore include outfits that play with color – from head to toe. And it doesn’t have to look totally crazy. With natural tones such as brown, blue, cream or green, you can achieve an elegant appearance without being too much. My tip: Use parts in a color world for your complete look. So you look stylish and are still an eye-catcher. Then the outfit can be so simple.


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