How to Lighten Dark Elbows and Knees Naturally : Dark elbow and knees are common problems among many people. They darken because of accumulation of dead skin cells around the knees and elbow region. The skin around human elbow and knees is naturally thicker as well as more prone to loss of moisture than other regions. In addition, leaning or exposure to rough surfaces causes wear and tear and can also scratch the skin around the two regions and make it look rough.
However, there are natural methods that lightens dark elbows and knees naturally. With these natural remedies, you don’t have to spend your cash in expensive salons since you can do it yourself at home.
1. Lemon : Lemon is not only a good natural bleaching ingredient but is also a good exfoliator. Besides, it’s also rich in vitamin C, a property that helps in doing away with dead cells and improves the skin tone by giving it a lighter complexion. It also encourages formation of healthy skin layer.
How to Use:
Squeeze one full lemon to obtain lemon juice.
Apply the juice on your knee and elbow region and rub gently for 2-3 minutes.
Allow it dry for approximately 20 minutes.
Rinse it away with lukewarm water.
To stop the lemon juice from drying your skin, apply a moisturizing cream.
Alternatively, you can mix lemon juice with a tablespoonful of honey.
Rub it on your elbow and knee areas and allow it to penetrate your skin for roughly 20 minutes.
Rinse it off using warm water.
Stick to either of these options once every day for two to three weeks.
After using lemon juice to lighten your skin, it is recommended that you avoid exposure to sunlight for at least 3 hours.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is well known for its good moisturizing property that keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated all day long. It’s also a suitable remedy for lightening dark elbows and knees due to vitamin E present in it which plays a major role in lightening the tone of your skin and nourishes it by keeping it moisturized and prevent dryness as well. It can also get rid of worn-out skin cells and repair damaged part of your skin.
How to use
After taking a shower, massage coconut oil on your elbow and knees mildly for approximately 1 to 2 minutes.
Do it several times on a daily basis to prevent skin dryness. Alternatively, you can add teaspoonful lemon juice to 1 teaspoonful coconut oil.
Massage this mixture on your knee and elbow region and allow it to penetrate for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Dry it with paper towels.
Practice this once every day.
On the other hand, you can add 1 tablespoonful of crushed walnut to some amount of coconut oil and stir it till it forms a thick paste.
Use the paste to exfoliate dark areas on the skin around your elbow and knee 2 to 3 times every week.
3. Almond
Almonds contains skin moisturizing and nourishing properties that is essential when it comes to lightening your skin, maintaining a flawless skin tone as well as improving your general skin health.
How to Use:
Place some amount of almond oil on a source of heat and warm it gently.
Use it to massage the affected areas for approximately five minutes before you sleep.
Apply it daily, and you’ll notice improvements after a few days.
As an Alternative, add 1-2 tablespoons of powdered almonds to some amount of yogurt.
Massage it on your elbow and knee region.
Wait for about 5 minutes for it to dry then rub the applied area with wet fingers.
Rinse it away with clean and cold water.
Practice this 1-2 times every day for some weeks till you notice the results you desire.
Final Verdict
Before using any of these ingredients, it’s recommended that you test if it causes any irritation or reaction on your skin by applying some amount on a small area. Don’t use any remedy that you are allergic to. Use these natural and simple remedies to lighten dark elbows and knees naturally.