Pregnancy is accompanied by wonderful things and you may even wonder why those things happen inside your belly, especially your baby’s movements. Feeling your baby-to-be kicks at some point in pregnancy is indeed a wonderful and extraordinary experience particularly for new mothers. Those kicks made by your baby are signs that your expected child is developing inside your womb and numerous significant growth processes takes place. In this article, you will learn more amazing facts about baby’s kicks in every expecting mother’s womb. Take a look at each one of them to find out what you and your unborn child encounter during baby kicks.
Facts About Baby’s Kicks During Pregnancy
1. First-Time Mothers Experience Late Baby Kicks
Women who are pregnant for their first time more often realize their baby’s movements at week 24 of their pregnancy, which is quite late. Your baby might be moving before the 254th week, but the feeling is unusual, and you possibly will not be familiar with it. This is because baby’s movements during first trimesters are not very strong and some expecting mothers may think there is nothing taking place. If the placenta is located at the front region of your uterus, then you may not be able to hear the feeling of your baby’s kicks at some point. Women who are expecting a baby for the second time or more usually realize the movement of their baby as early as 12 weeks of their pregnancy.
2. Babies Kicks In Response To The Internal Environment
In every mother’s womb, there may be a lot of noise, some light or some strange foods which can arouse your baby into making movements like kicking. In addition, babies makes kicks to stretch their bodies and also for relaxation. If the mother makes movements like walking or stretching, the baby will calm down and even sleep due to appeasing environment. Expecting mothers who involve themselves in relation exercises like yoga or meditation may create a cooler environment for their babies. This is because relaxation exercises improves the mother’s internal body activities, such as lowering heartbeat, skin conductance and respiration rate thus lowering the movements of babies.
3. The Average Baby Kicks Is Around 15-20 Kicks Per Day
The average baby kicks is approximately 15-20 kicks per day. However, not all babies are the same thus different babies make different kicks. Some babies sleep during the day and make kicks during night hours, while others tend to make moves every time. Babies sleep in their mother’s womb for about � of each day, usually for intervals of 1 hour. It is difficult to notice your baby’s movements when you are busy. However, most baby kicks are easily noticed after meals, during evening hours and when having a rest after an activity.
4. What reduced baby kicks means?
Reduced bay kicks can be a sign of insufficient nutrition, fetal distress or poor supply of oxygen inside the womb. In case of reduced baby kicks, an expecting mother should consult a medical practitioner for fetal analysis or maternal check-up to inspect the cause of reduced baby kicks. Such diagnosis involves the use of ultrasound technology to inspect the growing fetus response to stimuli as well as the blood flow in the placenta. From time to time, your healthcare provider will guide you on how to take care of your unborn baby or to conduct early delivery to stop further complications.
Final Verdict
Feeling your baby is an essential move for your developing baby because it is a way your baby learns what takes place outside the womb. In addition, movement is the first means of communications between the baby and the mother. Therefore, consult a medical practitioner as soon as you notice any reduction in your baby’s kicks inside your womb, to help prevent any future problems.